Cleaning your grill just became easy.

Grill Rescue uses steam to clean your grill. Not aggravated forceful brushing.


You know the pains of cleaning your grill. So well, that you tell yourself you like the "flavor" it gives when you don't. You know the frustration of attempting to clean your grill with a dirty, rusted, metal bristle grill brush. Is that really the best we can do? I don't think needing a tetanus shot after grilling is satisfactory. Or even good enough..

WARNING - SHOCKING FACT: In a 12 year span, there were an estimated 1,698 grill brush injuries in the United States alone. That's over 130 injuries per year in a single country. Are you next to eat your wire bristles?

X-rays of wire bristles getting lodged in people.
X-rays of wire bristles getting lodged in people.

So, ask yourself: Is my grill brush really worth it?

We know you settled for your current grill cleaner. That's Okay. 

You can say goodbye to eating wire bristles, wood shavings, and stone powder. 

Do any of these look familiar? Point to the one you have. Now get your filthy fingers off your screen. 

We have solved all the problems with these grill cleaners and made the grill brush of your dreams. Seriously, this thing rocks.

The biggest issue with current grill brushes are that they simply don't work. On top of that, you have to deal with a number of additional problems. 

  • They break easily and get stuck in your food. 
  • They are not sanitary. 
  • They are always dirty (how do you clean your grill with a dirty cleaner?). 
  • They leave a nasty residue on your grill or just move the mess around.

Why do you deal with this? Because there's no other option!


Grill Rescue uses steam to clean your grill. Yes, to actually clean your grill.

Using Grill Rescue is so simple to use and will save you loads of time you could spend eating your food.

Step 1. Preheat your grill to a minimum of 400 degrees Fahrenheit. For safety, turn off the burners once your grill is hot. 

Step 2. Dunk your brush, or run it under water. 

Step 3. Gently wipe away the nasty gook that's been building up.

Grill Rescue gets in all the grooves for a super clean grill. We've designed our brush heads to fit in all grill grates. 

You might be asking yourself, wouldn't this brush get super dirty after cleaning a really nasty grill? YES! Grill Rescue has to get dirty to get your grill clean.

Most grill cleaners just stay dirty. Not Grill Rescue! We've thought of that too.

Put your detachable brush head in your dishwasher or washing machine. Now it's clean and ready to clean more BBQ rib gook. It was made to be reused for up to 100 washes (on average during testing). After that, just grab your 2nd brush head, snap it on your Grill Rescue, and you're good for another 100 cleans!


Designing the world's best grill brush was very difficult. Wanting something better than what's currently on the market is easy, creating it is hard. It took nearly 2 years to design and create the perfect version of Grill Rescue.Take a look below and get a 30 second view of the last 2 years creating the perfect grill brush.

1st Prototype - Made from the handle of an existing grill brush, wood block, and terrycloth.
1st Prototype - Made from the handle of an existing grill brush, wood block, and terrycloth.
2nd Prototype - Made from the handle of an existing grill brush with disconnecting mechanism, mildly absorbent sponge, and high quality terrycloth.
2nd Prototype - Made from the handle of an existing grill brush with disconnecting mechanism, mildly absorbent sponge, and high quality terrycloth.
3rd Prototype - Made from a custom designed 3D printed handle, very absorbent heat proof "sponge", and high quality terrycloth.
3rd Prototype - Made from a custom designed 3D printed handle, very absorbent heat proof "sponge", and high quality terrycloth.
6th Prototype - Branded with the Grill Rescue logo. Made from a fire retardant custom designed 3D printed handle, very absorbent heat proof foam, wrapped in a high quality heat proof cloth.
6th Prototype - Branded with the Grill Rescue logo. Made from a fire retardant custom designed 3D printed handle, very absorbent heat proof foam, wrapped in a high quality heat proof cloth.

We created Grill Rescue out of frustration of a dirty grill. No grill cleaner could clean our grills well enough. We soon found there was an even bigger issue. People are swallowing metal bristles that break off the most popular grill cleaners. Thousands of people are being sent to the Emergency Room in excruciating pain and getting immediate surgery to remove these metal pieces from throats, stomachs, and even hearts. This is when we knew we could make a real difference. 

Hundreds of news videos and thousands of articles and Facebook posts flood the web of people getting severely injured from grill brushes. We are going to put a stop to this for good and get your grill cleaned in the process. Grill Rescue is not only a life saver, it truly is the world's best grill brush!